The Green Lantern Gets A Sequel

According to Huffington Post, 'The Green Lantern' has landed itself a sequel. 

The film which stared Ryan Reynolds didn't do all that well in the box office but Warner Bros. film group President Jeff Robinov admitted there will be a second round for the superhero but it will have some changes made.
"We had a decent opening so we learned there is an audience," he said. "To go forward we need to make it a little edgier and darker with more emphasis on action.... And we have to find a way to balance the time the movie spends in space versus on Earth."
As big of a fan as I am of Reynolds there was no way in hell I was going to pay $12.50 to see this piece of CGI...even the commercials looked fake.

Hopefully they'll take some tips from Guillermo del Toro's book of 'how to make awesome movies' and ease up on the amount of CGI for the next movie.