'Teen Mom' Farrah Abraham Shows Off Her New Implants In Miami...

The new season of Teen Mom may have just aired a few weeks ago but Farrah Abraham isn't spending any time at home watching herself on TV.

The 20-year-old reality TV star and her 2-year-old daughter Sophia enjoyed a day at the beach in Miami on Tuesday and by the looks of it Farrah enjoyed every minute of being photographed.

The last episode I tuned into Farrah was looking into getting breast implants & was pretty determined to get a loan...which she ended up getting.

I gotta say, they're not too bad looking & I'm glad she didn't go too big but they do look a tad bit far apart...just a bit.

Farrah claimed getting them would help her (nonexistent) modeling career but from what I've been reading on the net she has yet to land any modeling jobs whatsoever...sad stuff.  Maybe it would have been a better idea for her to have looked into fixing that schnoz instead of going straight for the boobs.

Or maybe she should stop wearing platform flip-flops, that shit's sooo 2001.