Kellan Lutz Turns Down Britney Spears...Ouch!

No, she didn't ask him out on a date but he was asked to star as her love interest in the video of her latest single, 'I Wanna Go'.

Pop-singer Britney Spears and 'Twilight' star Kellan Lutz met for the first time last week when he attended her Beverly Hills fundraiser earlier this month.

Unfortunately he had to kindly decline the offer.

Why? Well we're not too clear on that but what is known is that the video is being shot in L.A. sometime this week and is said to feature very little choreography and will show Britney's personality and sense of humor. No word on who got the role after Lutz turned it down.

Spoiler! --> Had Lutz taken the role he would have rescued Britney from a press concert and made out with her in the back of the car, all before ---she realized he was a robot.

Say what?  Weird.