Katie Holmes Talks About The Penis Gummies Incident

Katie Holmes visted The Ellen DeGeneres show Thursday and discussed the much talked about incident where her 4-year-old daughter Suri Cruise was photographed holding Penis Gummies.

It's no secret that once the photos were released there was a lot of talk of how those are not the type of snacks a child should be getting a hold of but as it turns out Katie had no clue she was holding them to begin with {hard to believe).

The 32-year-old actress told Ellen that she and Suri visited an ice cream shop they always go to in NY called Serendipity, where most of the customers are children. She then explains how it was that she neglected to notice she was phallic candy in her hand by saying:
"We go in and we are waiting for a table and she grabs some gummies that are boy part gummies. I was horrified."
She states she immediately noticed the candy:
"She was holding the box and I was like 'OK, wow we don't need that right now.' Because I thought if I said 'Put that back,' and then she's going to say, 'What is this?' And I really didn't want to have that conversation."
Katie of course noticed that the photos of Suri holding the x-rated candy in her hands had made their way onto the front cover of many tabloid magazines.
"I was like, 'Oh my god, no.' We put them back."
She also mentioned to Ellen DeGenerous her great disappointment in the store selling those sorts of candy and she made a point to bring the it to the store's attention.
