Pink & Carey Hart Show Off Baby Willow Sage In People Mag!

Musician Pink and husband Carey Hart showed of their new pride and joy, daugther Willow Sage in their first photo shoot as a family for People.
"Willow is a pro!" Pink, 31, tells PEOPLE. "Or else she is borderline narcoleptic like her daddy – she slept the whole time."
Willow was born 2 weeks ago on June 2 but has already been making her rounds around town, including the beach, with her mom & pops.
"You hear people say it all the time, how life changes so drastically. But you can't possibly grasp how beautiful that is until you have your child," says Pink.
The new issue of People which comes out Friday, will have more on Pink and Hart's experience as new parents, Willow's birth story and the meaning behind her name - plus family photos!

I love that photo of them, they look truly happy!
