Megan Fox Didn't Quit 'Transformers', Spielberg Demanded She Be Fired!

It looks like Megan Fox didn't choose to leave the 'Transformers' franchise after know, like she claimed she did.


According to Transformers director Michael Bay she was fired after she went on her little rant comparing him to Hitler. What a dummy doesn't she know that the people that made her can also break her? 

Bay states that after the comment went public executive producer Steven Spielberg demanded she be fired.
'You know the Hitler thing. Steven (Spielberg) said, fire her right now.'
Megan had stared in the first two Transformer movies and had been cast in the third film but shortly before production began she gave an interview to the British magazine Wonderland where she said Bay wanted to be like Hitler on the his sets.

The role of the leading lady in the third film was quickly re-casted and is now being played by Victoria's Secret model Rosie Huntington-Whitely.

I think hottie Shia LaBeouf said it best in GQ when he commented on why Megan was out:
"She started s*** talking our captain. Which you can't do."
I've never cared for her and think a rock could act better than she can so I'm glad she was booted. More Shia please!